Value Proposition

Once implemented, BuyerEase brings
tremendous ...

Software for buying house

Value Proposition

No Last Minute Surprise

No Unknown Delay

  • Constant alerts and monitoring make sure that the task is done on time.
  • Deliver up-to-date information throughout the organization on need toknow basis and Adequate exception reporting and escalation procedures - helps to take proactive measures

Real-Time Instant Information

Enhance Productivity & Efficient

  • The web architecture ensures the information to be always up-to-date saving time and efforts in gathering, compiling and processing information
  • The strong alert system with a configurable escalation procedure ensures reduction in noise and displays the data that requires attention on need to know basis

Easily Accessible History

  • Centralized, up-to-date, and organized communication, work-done, work history, work status, and files ensures no data is lost

Improved Visibility & Transparency

  • Substantial reduction in time to access information across all business functions.
  • The strong alert system with a configurable escalation procedure ensures reduction in noise and displays the data that requires attention on need to know basis

Enhance Productivity & Efficient

Real-time, instant, and centralized database

  • The web architecture ensures the information to be always up-to-date saving time and efforts in gathering, compiling and processing information
  • The strong alert system with a configurable escalation procedure ensures reduction in noise and displays the data that requires attention on need to know basis

Attrition Proof

Risk of People Turnover Mitigated

  • Centralized, up-to-date, and organized communication, work-done, work history, work status, and files ensures no data is lost
  • Unified system ensures inter-department deputation as well as training newly recruited people simple and quick

High Return On Investment

Payback in approximately 6 months

  • BuyerEase helps in managing more business - with same resources and infrastructure - without increasing management bandwidth, yielding in increased and reducing cost
  • Availability of information increases the productivity at least by 20% - saving on salary bill, management time once BuyerEase is properly implemented shall pay for itself giving a high ROI on perceptually

Quick Decision Making

Strong data mining and analysis

  • Real-time, instant and centralized database removes the lag of data gathering
  • Just-in time and strong management information system with a drill-down approach helps in tabulating and analyzing data and in turn supports decisions

Uninterrupted Growth

Business Continuity... Show must go on...

  • Proven unified solution based on industry best practices - across offices, geo-locations, Buyers, vendors, agents, and associates
  • Consistent processes, procedures, and formats across teams, divisions, and business units with data availability on online, real-time, up-to-date, instant, across departments, and on need to know basis