Shipment Invoice, Vessel Tracking
and Logistic

Software for buying house

Shipment Invoice

  • The shipment details of the purchase order can quickly be entered as an invoice.
  • This invoice can be a basic actual shipping quantity and shipping dates (Actual Ex-Factory, goods receiving, document receiving, BL/AWB Date, and Vessel ETD) only
  • It can be extended, if desired in case of exporters or traders, to a complete packing and carton details, terms of payments, and invoice amount, taxes, and charges break-ups generating a complete invoice, packing list, and other shipping documents.

Consolidation and Vessel Tracking

  • The invoices are marked against BL / AWB, whereas the cartons are packed into a container / pallet. The BL / AWB as well as container / pallet are mapped to a vessel or a cargo plane.
  • The vessel tracking helps in shipment, traffic and logistic for all the invoices as well as in turn the purchase orders (full or part), through a single screen.