Product Library, Selection, and

Product library

  • Manages a complete library of items / product with pictures and related information. It also keeps a track of the product development and maintains the complete order history.
  • The library contains detailed information regarding product hierarchy, color, size matrix and complete specification like item measurements, labelling and packaging details, bill of material (BOM), etc.
  • The Item / Product Database containing all the data can be accessed via hundreds of combinations like category wise, source wise, customer / buyer wise, month wise development, order or shipments history, or even the status of the Item (whether it is in development stage, production, or shipped), etc.

Preparing a Collection / Catalogue

  • This enables users to quickly select the items and make a public (B2C) or a private (B2B) data collection.
  • These data collections can shared with the buyers through a PDF (a photo offer) over mail or a web page.
  • The potential targets can view all the information related to the Data by logging in the system.
  • The public data-collection is publically accessible however the private data-collection is for selected targets. Targets can go to the product-website or can see their catalogues and can make their selections.