Business Intelligence Improved Substantially

Software for buying house

Business Challenges

Our Solutions

  • Struggling to know where your business is going

  • Comprehensive Business report provides a snapshot of how your business is performing with comparative study of last few years, giving the details of pending orders in the beginning, cancelled durig the period & open orders at the end.
  • This bird eye view can identify weak areas in no time.
  • The management time can go for business enhancement instead of identifying critical areas.
  • Worried if the order quantum is showing realistic data or not

  • The system provides for the ageing to see irrelevant orders like orders not shipped for more than 6 months of expiration of the season might be irrelevant orders.
  • In spite of various orders business not expending because of cancellation of orders

    • The software provides complete details of cancelled orders so as to analyse their reasons & take corrective actions.
    • Not able to know which products to drop and which products to keep for long term

    • The system provides accurate information of top selling products by segregating on highest to lowest order values received product wise, thus analysis of which product to promote is easy and fast
    • Difficulty in finding the most accepted vendor

    • Software provides a summarised report of sample hit rate vendor wise to know vendor performance & find which vendor has supplied on time from summary of timely shipped orders
    • Large orverdue of taxes due to lots

    • Calculate taxes to be paid based on % of work completed so as to control unnecessary taxes payments and thus save on unwanted expenses.
    • Customers constantly asking for price/ commission reduction for volume business

      • Analyse which are the top performing customers with largest orders values in last few years.
      • Compare performances and then decide whom to give more benefit and which customers to drop.
      • Getting a lot of delayed payments and order rejected from the buyers

      • Analyse reasons by knowing order shipped on time and delayed shipments Get history of payments received from Buyers in past months/years to know the trend.
      • Lot of inspections pending and shipment getting delayed

      • Track all pending inspection schedules and prioritize on the important schedules to avoid delayed shipments.